512.55/A374s.3/v.35: Several complex variables and Banach algebras. 35 Alexander Herbert. Wermer John.
1. Preliminaries and Notation 2. Classical approximation Theorems 3. Operational Calculus in One Variable 4. Differential Forms 5. The a-Operator 6. The Equation au=f 7. The Oka-Weil Theorem 8. Operational Calculus in Several ÇVariables 9. The Silov Boundary 10. Maximality and Radós Theorem 11. Maximum Modulus algebras 12. Hulls of Curves and Ares 13. Integral Kernels 14. Perturbations of the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem 15. The First Comomology Group of a Maximal Ideal Space 16. The a-operator in Smoothly Bounded Domains 17. Manifolds Without Complex Tangents 18. Busmanifolds of High Dimension 19. Boundaries of Analytic Varieties 20. Polynomial hulls of Sets Over the Circle 21. Areas 22. Topology of Hulls 23. Pseudoconvex sets in Cn 24. Examples 25. Historical Comments and Recent Developments 26. Appendix 27. Solutions to Some Exercises.
Compra: Gestión 2009. Dr. Javier Guachalla. Recursos IDH.
Validéz de reserva: 2 días. (salvo que no haya otra reserva)
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